Friday, July 26, 2013

Beyonce Knowles Workout and Diet Secret

Beyonce Knowles Workout routine exercises

Beyonce Knowles was born on September 4, 1981 is an American singer, songwriter and actress. Beyonce Knowles's workout and diet tells that eating what she wants and not going to gym is not an option for her. According to her being in shape requires more mental strength than physical strength and it is important to work hard on whatever program you follow. She has a busy lifestyle, so she takes advantage of Borges Power Moves to get in shape fast. During the pregnancy period she gained around 60 pounds of weight. To lose this weight she had to eat lettuce and do her exercises on treadmill.

She works out five days a week and does 100 squats, 100 step-ups, and 100 walking lunges a day. She does circuit training, and runs two-and-a-half miles each day. If you enjoy running, this can be a great form of exercise. She also says that says her beauty and fitness secret is eating well, taking care of her skin and getting enough rest.

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